We are a team of researchers who aim to understand sensory sensitivities (sensory discomfort) and how they interact with dizziness, mental health, and areas of neurodiversity.

Latest from the lab:

Watch this space: Our new measure of visual sensitivity (the Cardiff Hypersensitivity Scale, CHYPS!) has been finalised and submitted for publication.

The rehabilitation game Balance-Land, is ready for use as a pilot version.

2024 Newsletter: click HERE to find out what we’ve been up to – including a summary of our research in 2023, and information on our ongoing projects for the year ahead.

NEW publications:

Goodwin, N., Powell, G., Loizides, F., Derry-Summer, H., Rajenderkumar, D. and Sumner, P. 2024. Feasibility of gamified visual desensitisation for visually-induced dizziness. Scientific Reports 14, article number: 17864. (10.1038/s41598-024-67745-9)

Goodwin, N., Sumner, P., Loizides, F., Derry-Sumner, H., Rajenderkumar, D., & Powell, G. (2023, May 15). Balance-Land: a gamified rehabilitation program for people with Persistent Perceptual Postural Dizziness (PPPD) and visual vertigo. PsyArXiv: Center for Open Science https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9gb73

Gamble, R., Sumner, P., Wilson-Smith, K., Derry-Summer, H., Rajenderkumar, D. and Powell, G. (2023). Using interpretative phenomenological analysis to probe the lived experiences of persistent postural-perceptual dizziness. Journal of Vestibular Research 33(2), pp. 89-103.