Please follow these guidelines:

  • Start playing with the Desert level.
  • Start slowly, only increase speed when you are more confident you know how much your symptoms will be triggered.
  • Aim to only trigger MILD symptoms. Doing too much too fast can be detrimental.
  • If your symptoms are too intense, take a break. Try lowering the speed or a different environment.

How to Log-in and Play

You should be able to find your participant ID in your email inbox from:! It will be a 5-digit code, e.g. 12345.

How to Move

Quick play will give you the Make-a-Word game mode, whereas Advanced will let you customise some of the settings.

The Worlds


This game mode focuses on finding letters and then scoring points by making words. Most words that are legal in Scrabble will get you points!


This game mode has you guessing letters to complete a hidden word. Change how many and what type of letters are hidden in the word to make it easier or harder to guess!

Going Shopping

Click on a shopping item to buy it. When you have bought everything on your shopping list, you win! Do not worry if you pick up something you do not need, it can always be put back on a shelf.